Friday, February 27, 2015


Conversion and Re- conversion are not issues for us .

Conversion by a person or group of people and re-conversion same way is not the issue before us as we know conversion and re- conversion is not new to our country .

Buddhism , Jainism , Sikhism , Christanity , Muslim these are the religions native people have converted earlier also . Not only Native , Videshi Brahmins have also converted to these religions .

But there is a difference between Native conversion and Videshi Brahmin conversion . Brahmins want to convert to other religion with their Brahmin superiority and they want if Native people convert  to other religions with Brahmin corrupted Varn , Jaati , Bhedhav, Uchnich system so that the rotten Varnwadi , Jaatiwadi Brahmin system should continue .

We find Brahmins in Buddhist religion , jain religion , Sikh religion , Muslim religion , Christian religion with sole intension of corrupting these religions . The purpose of conversion to these religions is lost so far Native people are concerned .

Brahmins first corrupted Hindu Dharm . Even every Brahmins does that . See the Supreme Court decision of Re - Conversion that took place in Kerala recently . They want to dig the history up to level of Caste and Varn system in Hinduism to that point where it was corrupted by Videshi Brahmins and  not behind that point  where there was no Varn , no Caste system in Hindu Religion during Sindhu Civilization .

We know 3 per cent Brahmins have corrupted our whole system , destroying it yet 97 per cent converted , re - converted , non converted yet following corrupted Hindu Dahrm do not get awake and see the main cause of their slavery , destruction , unhappiness etc etc.

All are engaged in futile talks without pin pointing the culprit , who in fact need to be punished with at least exile from our Native land .

We pin point here and say Videshi Brahmins , Quit India , conversion , re-conversion is not important issue for us at this stage .

Nv. D.D.Raut ,
Vicharak , MBVM

Our Message to Nation : Janeu Chhodo , Bharat Jodo  

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Why Buddhist - Dalit Ambedkarites do not approach for Vargani / Donation of Bhim Jayanti day 14 th April to other Native people ?

We wonder why Buddhist- Dalit Ambedakarites do not approach for Vargani / Donation of Bhim Jayanti day 14 April to other native people ? Perhaps they may be afraid of hearing no from other people . But this is not truth . In fact Dr. Ambedkar is not the Hero or Leader of Buddhist - Dalit Ambedkaraites but he is Native Hero , the leader of 97 per cent Indians and Bharat Bhagya Vidhata .

But these people have caged Dr. Ambedkar is sectarian society . The followers of Ambedkar come from different religions like Muslims , Christian , Sikh , jain , Satya Hindu Dharm and Buddhist too . But Buddhist perhaps think that Ambedkar is Buddhist sole property and there fore they get shy to approach other Native people.

It is true Dr Ambedkar accepted Buddhism in 1956 . He become true Buddhist . We think he left Videshi Brahmin Dharm bondage freed hinself and his followers from Vedic Brahmin Dharm which is separate from Satya Hindu Dharm revealed by Dharmatma Kabir in Holy Bijak . We do not want to go in details who different are Satya Hindu Dharm and Brahmin Dharm here due to shortage of time and space but we must mention here that the opposition to Videshi Brahmin Vedic Dahrm is along journey where Buddhism , jainism , Sikhism too played a vital role and Dharmatma Kabir's Satya Hindu Dharm was one of them .

So we think , Buddhist - Dalit Ambedkarites should not fear that they will not be welcome , if they approach for Vargani / Donation for Bhim Jayati day following on 14 th April every year . We NPP think that this is National Day and Day of 97 per cent Native people . So approach other religion Native people for this day program and if possible apart from Buddhist prayers , take prayers from other religions which fought against Videshi Brahminism and Brahmin Dharm .

We give them best wishes . They can start this work from today it self  . NPP workers are with you as just ordinary workers , no desire for chair on Bhashan Manch , we are happy as simple workers as Nativist .

Nv. D.D.Raut , President , NPP

Our Message to Nation : Janeu Chhodo , Bharat Jodo 

Friday, February 20, 2015


Why there is no end of problems of Native people ?

Why there is no end of problems of Native Non Brahmin people in India even after several great Mahatmas , Sadhu , Saints Warriors  and Leaders took birth and worked for Native people in India ?

This is the question , we will like to ponder over here .

Since the excavation of Shindu Civilization at Harappa and Mohenjodaro , we came to know there was a great Native Hindu Civilization in India . We see our Warrior , Hero in those pictures of Harappa and Mohenjodaro . They were all Non Brahmin Native warriors leaders . From them on words we see Native Non Brahmin Lords like Shiva , Rama, Krishna all great Hindu Religion Native Gods and Warriors too holding several armaments in their hands . Many of them have defeated Videshi Brahmins and even some of them killed Videshi Brahmin Brahma and brought them down to earth reducing their in-vein pride as in the case of Videshi Brahmin Ravan

But has all this above ended the problems of Native Non Brahmin people ? We think , No .

Even there after the problems of Native Non Brahmin people did not end . That is why some more great Mahatmas from Non Brahmin took birth like Mahaveer , Buddha , Kabir , Nanak . They told us so many things but could not teach Videshi Brahmins and make them human being . The exploitation by Videshi Brahmins of Native Non Brahmins continued so are problems .

Great Samarat , Kings and Warriors like Ashoka , Shivaji ,  slain Warriors of Bhima of Koregaon and foreign rules like Mongals and British can not also end our problems . We think , this fact .

The recent great Freedom Fighters , Social Reformers , Constitutionals like Mahatma Fule , Mahatma Gandhi , Dr Ambedakar individual efforts also could not end Native people's problems as yet . Perhaps their joint efforts may have required .They would have given a call to Videshi Brahmins to Quit India rather than keep away from Varnwad , Jaatiwad , Bhedbhav , Uchnich etc as that is only reformist process and no permanent solution to our problem . Yet their efforts can not belittled . 

Then , when our problem will end ?

There must be end to our problem . And the problem is Videshi Brahmins . As long as they continue in India , our problem can not end . Our great ancestor Mahatmas , Heroes , Leaders and Warriors were knowing the enemy but they were too humanitarian , we are not , we are Nativist in core bent upon to end the ever lasting problem as we think and we are sure the end of our problem is end of Videshi Brahmins . End of Videshi Brahmins means no more Videshi Brahmins in our country . We got every right to keep our house free from all dangers . We got every right to keep our body free from all diseases and kill those germs , virus and antibodies which are harmful to my healthy and happy body. My Country is My Body !

We will end our problems now , we will not repeat the errors of our great Heroes , Saints , Mahatmas and Warriors , if done in the past .We must learn lesson from their mistake too.

We ask Videshi Brahmins to Quit India .

We ask Native people to join us in our efforts to end our problem for ever .

Nv. D.D.Raut ,
Vicharak , MBVM

Our Message to Nation : Janeu Chhodo , Bharat Jodo 

Monday, February 16, 2015


All Native are one Shiv Family followers of Satya and Shiv Dharm :

Today is Maha Shivratri . We give Best Wishes to all Native people .

At various Shiv Mandirs people are doing pooja of Shiva and we are happy that no Videshi Brahmin is required for Shiv pooja . Shiva do not ask for milk for his pooja as his pooja is very simple with unending water on Shiv Pinda , Bel Patti and a few flowers that is sufficient . So rest of the things are not necessary and may be given to poor and needy as donation , help in cash and kind , however , one thing must be taken care that your donation ,goes to Native people and not to Videshi Brahmins as it is used against you only .

Shiva Family is very wide and unending .It is in fact Cosmic , the the whole Universe .In Hindustan , is was originated and followed all time . This can be seen from Sindhu Civilization discovery .

Shiv , Bhole , Nath , Shankar are only few names from time to time people have used to Native Shiv Dharm Shiv Family Native heroes .

One of them , we are taking today is , Khanderai of Jejuri .

Lord Khanderai of Jejuri seem to be Native Hero from middle age past Muslim rule as he is undersood to have theree wives one among them from Muslim community and other two from Hindu Community namely Mhalasa from Vaani and Banai from Dhangar . His thrown shows is Nag Thrown means from Nag Vanshi , Shiv Dharmi or Satya Hindu Dharmi family . There were several Nag Vanshi kings and rulers . Mahabharata time shows Takshaka was oe of them . Even Ram , Krishna are from Nag Vansh and Krishna's father Vasudev name itself confirms that and his aunt that is mother of pandavas was admits that Bhim was saved by Nag Lok and given power equal to ten elephants giving his training in different warfare .

Lord Khandoba is Native people's family god as he was Native Nag Vanshi and killed two Brahmins who were coming in the way of Satya Hindu Dharm . The photo can be seen at various Lord Khandoba Mandirs but Videshi Brahmins are now trying to remove those old real photo and change painting showing those Brahmins and non Brahmins removing Janeu from the old photos .

Some of the TV Channels like Z TV are showing Khadoba serial braminizing the history and to suit Videshi Brahmin Dharm . We condemn this . However , we are sure Videshi Brahmins can not be successful now what ever they do as their days in Hindustan are numbered .

Nv. D.D.Raut
Prachark , SHDS

Our Message to Nation : Janeu Chhodo , Bharat Jodo

Not fast , fight is required on Maha Shivrratri Day  :

Maha Shivratri is falling on 17 th February , 2015. We give Best Wishes on this day to Native people .

Lord Shiva is Native Hero and Lord who is worshiped by all Native people . He had one native wife who is said to be from Bhilla an aboriginal community , the Aadivashis . He was Lord of Native Gan Rajya of his time and presiding lord of Native Satya Hindu Dharm which was being followed since Sindhu Civilization before Videshi Brahmins destroyed as invaders .

For some time Videshi Brahmins were powerful and after destruction , firing , killing in Sindhu they moved inside but could not penetrate much and seems settled for small settlement here and there . A small Videshi Brahmin pockets were recorded in our fight with Videshi Brahmins in various books and scriptures of even Videshi Brahmins .

For example when Shiva was allured by Videshi Brahmin girl Parvati and her father , Brahmins did not agree to her marriage to Native Non Brahmin Lord Shiva and when Parvati gave her life in the Hom - Havan fire at her father's place , Shiva was so much  angered that he not only destroyed those Brahmin settlements , he made them worship his Penis as a mark of respect to intercaste , intervarn marriage that was first Shiv and Parvati done .

Native people were destroying Videshi Brahmin Hom- Havan even upto Lord Ram period and Native Krishna made native people worshiped by Videshi Brahmins as seen in Mahabharata period .

These epic periods show that Brahmins were almost beggars and Buddha , Mahaveer period shows they were not powerful in political sense but propagandist as of Vedic cruelty , Varn and caste system yet it can not be said that their Brahmin Dharm was accepted by large people . There was one side propaganda of Videsh Brahmins that they are superiors but not factual .

Only during 6 th Century to 9 th Century AD , Videshi Brahmins were able to establish Brahminsm of Varn , Caste , Bhedbhav and Uchnich to due certain political up and downs which are not know to Indian History . This period is called Dark Period of Indian History . It is quite possible that some more Brahmin groups again invaded India during this period and destroyed not only Buddhist , Jain Religions but also Satya Hindu Dharm and implanted Videshi Brahmin Dharm in the name of Hindu Dharm but that was not Satya Hindu Dharm .

Brahmins destroyed 84 thousand Buddhist Stupas , Several hundred Jain Temples or taken charge forcefully killing native guards and pujaris , trustees and placed Videshi Brahmin Panda , Pujari at those places . Bodh Gaya , Puri , Balaji , Pandharpur are those example . Only Native Satya Hindu Dharm Lord Shiv Temples they could not destroy or take fully charge of all these temples as taking charge of it means puja of native lord Shiva Penis by Videshi Brahmins which they even today not do willingly .

As long as Native Lord Shiva Temples continue as places of Satya Hindu Dharm , they will remind native people that Brahmins are Videshi and haters of Native people and enemy of native Satya Hindu Dharm . It means , no fast but fight with Videshi Brahmins on Maha Shivratri .

We wish Native people Happy Maha Shivratri  !

Nv. D.D.Raut ,
Vicharak , MBVM

Our Message to Nation : Janeu Chhodo , Bharat Jodo

Sunday, February 15, 2015


Who is India's Enemy No. 1 , ? Any Idea ?

Who is India's Enemy Number One ? Any Idea ? We are asking this questions to those politician and their parties who say they are Nationalist , Desh Bhakt , Desh Premi etc , etc.

There are Videshi Brahmin controlled parties which count and say Pakistan is India's number one enemy . We do not agree.

Panditwadi people and Congress says nothing on this matter as they can not speak truth . We dislike this .

Communist parties controlled by Brahmins always say America is enemy of India as they stand for open market , globalization , capitalism . We do not agree with them .

There are parties which call themselves like Dalit , Bahujan , Ambedkarwadi etc . Most of these parties are confused . They do not know who is their real enemy .

Dalit ki Beti Mayawati now no more follow Kanshiram which he used to say Tilak , Taraju are enemy of them . Now both are with Mayawati but Dalits have ditched her . Other Bahujawadi BMP says not Videshi Brahmins but Gandhi is enemy  and RPI Ambedkarwadis say no body is enemy as Ambedkar married a Brahmin girl but they are slightly sad with Gandhi had opposed Dr Ambedkar in the matter of separate electorate and double voting of depressed class that is Dalits . They have symbolized Gandhi as Brahmiwadi forgetting that Gandhi himself was sufferer of Videshi Brahmin varnwad , jaatiwad , Bhedbhav and he was non Brahmin and further he was killed by Videshi Brahmin Nathuram Godse in organized criminal way making several attempts on his life for standing against Brahminism since his entry in Indian politics from 1917 .

So most of the political parties and politicians have either wrong notion , understanding , thinking or no knowledge , ignorance as to who is real enemy of India .

We very categorically want to tell that according to us only Videshi Brahmins are enemy number one of India and Native people irrespective of their religion and what non Brahmin varn and caste they so far belong .  We do not want to waste our time finding who is our enemy number two , three etc and ponder over small issues like quota , double vote , separate electorate ,inter caste , varn marriage , protestant Brahmins etc etc .

We do not want to waste time and energy of our voters , supporters , people and country speaking irrelevant things like progress , sab ka sath as Modi , Kejariwal talk . We do not want to say we are Dalits , Bahujan , Ambedkarite and yet have no defined aim . We do not follow Panditwad , Brahminwad , Manuwad , Gadsewad , Peshvawad and we are clearly against them since we are nativist believing only in Non Brahmin politics and for ending Brahmin rule , culture and Brahmin Dharm and Vikruti and reestablishing Native Rule or Hindvi Swaraj as our great Native Non Brahmin Heroes , Saints and leaders like Dharmatama Kabir , Mahatma Fule , Mahatma Gandhi , Dr . Ambedkar , Gadge Baba , Tuadoji Maharaj and other several other told us and for which the Youngest Martyr Baji Raut gave his life . It is Native Rule minus Videshi Brahmins .

So the Enemy of India is only one and that is Videshi Brahmins .

We ask them to Quit India .

Nv. D.D.Raut ,
Vicharak , MBVM,

Our Message to Nation : Janeu Chhodo , Bharat Jodo 

Friday, February 13, 2015


Guru Teg Bahadur gave his life for humanity : Sis diya par Sirar na diya :

When we say Satsang means we are with Truth or Satya . The satya is Guru Teg Bahadur gave his life for humanity and self respect .

The whole episode of Guru Teg Bahadur was as follows in climax :
What followed during imprisonment were alternations between a variety of enticements for the Guru and torture and death to members of his retinue. Unable to shake the faith even of his followers, the Guru was asked to perform a miracle the way he had done earlier to save the life of Bhai Makhan Shah Lubana. Unwilling, the Guru offered to write a slip to be tied around his neck. This, he said, will not break even with the hardest stroke of a sword. When struck, his head lay separated from the body. Surprised, the perpetrators of his death opened the slip only to find written:

Sis diya par Sirar na diya

I gave up my life, but not my honor or faith

Thus Guru Tegh Bahadur attained martyrdom and in the process also saved the Hindu faith from being decimated at the hands of a zealot Emperor.

The Martyrdom

Guru Gobind Singh recorded his father's martyrdom as under:
Theekar fore dilees sir, Prabh par kiyo payan,
Tegh Bahadur si kriya, Kari na kinhoo aan. Tegh Bahadur ke chalat, Bhayo jagat main sog. Hai hai hai sab jag bhayo, Jai jai jai sur log.
He burst the bonds of mortal clay And went on to the abode of God. No one ever performed an act as noble As did Tegh Bahadur.

With the departure of Tegh Bahadur The world was stricken with sorrow. A wail of horror rent the earth, A victor's welcome by the dwellers of heaven.

Bichitra Natak

What we understand from honor or faith which is symbolized in Turban or head gear wear of person which is also called Pagadi . All our Gurus were wearing Pagadi and in common language the honor of person is symbolized in his Pagadi and not Janeu or Tilak .

Even now we say hamari Pagadi na uchhalo . Pagadi ki laaj rakho etc no Hindu says Jenau ki laaj rakho .

When Guru Govind Singh initiated great Khalasa and gave Baptisms on Baisakhi day of 1699 AD , he said : None of the Panj Parye was from Videshi Brahmin :

I wish you all to embrace one creed and follow one path , rising above all differences of religions as now practiced . Let the four Hindu castes who have different duties laid down for them in their scriptures abandon them all together , and adopting the way of mutual help and cooperation mix freely with one another . Do not follow the old scriptures ( Brahmin Dharm ). Let none pay homage to Ganges and other places of pilgrimages which are considered to be holy in the Hindu religion or worship the Hindu ( Brahmins if any )deities such as Ram , Krishna , Brahma and Durga etc but all should cherish faith in the teachings of Guru Nanak and his successors . Let each of the four castes receive my Baptisma of the double edged sword , eat out of the same vessel and feel no aloofness from or contempt for one another .

Guru gave Five K . Kesh , Kangha , Kaccha , Kada and Kripan and not Tilak and janeu of Videshi Brahmins .

Like Chatrpati Shivaji , Guru Teg Bahadur was fighting to establish Hindvi Swaraj means Native Hindu Raj and and not for reestablishing Varnwadi , jaatiwadi , Bhedbhavwadi Videshi Brahmin Dharm but Satya Hindu Dharm as preached by Gurus and Dharmatma Kabir in their Guru Bani .

As Videshi Brahmin in Maharshtra spread a bogus slogan that Shivaji was for Go and Brahmins , similarly they did in the noth and said Sikhism was for protection of Brahmins , Tilak and Janeu . History shows of this time that Msulims were fighting with Muslims not for religion but power , Hindus were fighting with each other not for religion but for power and Great Teg Guru Teg Bahadur and Chhatrapati Shivaji were fighting for humanity self respect and Hidvi Swaraj means Native Rule not for protecting bastard
Videshi Brahmins ,their Tilak and Janeu .

Guru Teg Bahdur's Martyrdom was for Native Turban the Honor of Native people and not for Videshi Brahmin's Tilak and Janeu .

Nv. D.D.Raut
Pracharak , SHDS

Our Message to Nation : Janeu Chhodo , Bharat Jodo