Friday, November 4, 2011

Brahmins do not believe in Hindu Religion

Nitin Gadkari, President , BJP and activist of RSS what said is perhaps his personal opinion. But this is not the opinion of RSS and BJP. Otherwise Mr. Advani would not have taken his infamous Yatra which demolished Babri Mandir the prayer place of Muslims. As Gadkari admitted they have nothing to do with Hindu religion . They follow Brahmin Religion. Hindu religion is for people except Brahmins. They take the benefit of Hindutva without following Hindu Religion.
Further all Brahmins and RSS knows that there are no God as such Hindus believe. God are created by Brahmins and there for Brahmins are above Gods and need not worship the non existing Gods. Only Foolish people do not know that.
At the same time RSS and all their branches including BJP go on fooling Hindus and almost every day a number of new God and Goddess are Invented/ Discovered and lakhs of useless Gods/ Goddess are Built and encouraged to built by Brahmins to fool and kept engaged in worthless Puja/ Archana and non existing Satya Narayan etc. We have there fore given an enlightening call to our Hindu Religion Brothers and sisters to have faith only in one code book of Hindu Religion which is Holy Bijak rejecting all Brahminical books like Veds, Smruties, etc.

Nativist D.D.Raut, President, Native People's Party

Massage to Nation : Janeu Chodo Bharat Jodo
BJP president Nitin Gadkari on Friday said though he believes in Hindutva, he does not go to temple, or even perform a puja.

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