Sunday, February 26, 2012


What Brahmins like in human society is the main question which will decide their value and need to human society and their place in Indian society and their origin .

Brahmin Religion is notorious and designed to deprive the human values to non Brahmin people. Some call apart from Brahmins other three varna people are also from the same and one society originally residing in India. This is proved wrong by science long back and historical, social, cultural and common sense yard sticks also.

Videshi Brahmins are Videshis because their Brahmin Religion treats other three varna people and non varna people inferior and separate from them reducing their equality in illogical and inhuman proportionate.

Recently India had seen foreigners like British, French, Duch, Portugal etc. but they were not as cruel as Brahmins. Even Videshi British people introduced a number of reforms and developments including education to all. What was the approach of Brahmins towards this for Native People? Nil. Brahmins are dead enemy of Native people happiness. Is it not sufficient to say Brahmins are not Indians? There are evidences that Brahmins killed Budhdist , Jaini Monks Sants and reformist like Tukaram, Gandhiji who worked for equality to Indians, Truth and Welfare.

Brahmins are Videshis by their origin and deeds. Brahmins are enemy of India by their function. Brahmins are Videshis by world declaration . Brahmins are Videshis as Indian Nation and Native People say so .

Nv. D.D.Raut, President, Native People's Party

Our Message to Nation : Janeu Chodo Bharat Jodo

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