From time to time Hindu society was introspecting to find out how to take out filth and dirt mixed in Hindu Religion. Those who born as Brahmins, Kshetiya, Vaisha, Shudra and Atisudra, Outcastes as have been called by Brahmin Religion followers in the past is the contribution of Brahmin Religion to Hindu Religion. Before British , Muslim coming to India people from the above so called Varnas and various castes humanist people tried to filter the such mixed up Hindu society. Raja Ram Roy, Lokhitwadi Deshmukh etc Brahmin Religion followers were for reforms in combined Hindu- Brahmin mix up religion.On other hand non Brahmin Religion people Mahatma Phule, and various Sants were for drastic changes in combined Hindu- Brahmin religion. This failed many times as would be seen from history that Mahaveer , Buddha, Nanak rejected all to gather Brahmin Religion and formed such Religion which has not relation to Brahmin Religion. But at the same time they did not press much on the point that the old Hindu Religion which was existing before Brahmin Religion should be recalled . Their followers named their religion with their name to identify clearly that their religion is separate from badly mixed up Hindu- Brahmin religion. After them first time, Dharmatma made efforts to tell Hindus what is their religion rejecting all Brahmin Religion ideology very clearly. His teaching is meticulously preserved in Holy BIJAK. This was the time when Brahmin Religion people were successful in killing Mahaveer, and limiting his religion to very few people. A mass Buddhist Religion waswiped out killing almost all Budhist monks by Pusha Mitra Sung giving 100 gold coins for each Budhist monk cutoff head. Muslim advent gave birth to Guru Nanak and Sikhism but Brahmins inroads in his made away some of his teachings.
In all this incidences Dharmatma kabir who was predecessor of Guru Nanak had made full efforts and revealed the old Hindu Religion in his teachings which also is part of Guru Granth Sahib.
Daharmatma Kabir has fully succedded in filtering out the pure Hindu Religion from compound of dirt and filth mixed Brahmin Religion. Dr Ambedkar new it very well. therefore he has accepted him as his first Guru, Mahatma Phule as his second Guru and Buddha is Final , third Guru. The contribution of all these three can not be forgotten by anybody. We do not say to any body that Buddhist, Jain, Sikhs, Muslim, Parsi, or any other religion is wrong and do not accept. People are free to accept any religion. But so for Hindu Religion is concerned, having found out pure Hindu Religion in Holy BIJAK why we should allow the Brahmin Religion to enforce their inhuman and unwanted interference in our Hindu Religion which is proved beyond any doubt is separate and older than Brahmin Religion.
Nativist D.D.Raut, President, Native People's Party
Our Massage to Nation : Janeu Chodo Bharat Jodo. 
In all this incidences Dharmatma kabir who was predecessor of Guru Nanak had made full efforts and revealed the old Hindu Religion in his teachings which also is part of Guru Granth Sahib.
Daharmatma Kabir has fully succedded in filtering out the pure Hindu Religion from compound of dirt and filth mixed Brahmin Religion. Dr Ambedkar new it very well. therefore he has accepted him as his first Guru, Mahatma Phule as his second Guru and Buddha is Final , third Guru. The contribution of all these three can not be forgotten by anybody. We do not say to any body that Buddhist, Jain, Sikhs, Muslim, Parsi, or any other religion is wrong and do not accept. People are free to accept any religion. But so for Hindu Religion is concerned, having found out pure Hindu Religion in Holy BIJAK why we should allow the Brahmin Religion to enforce their inhuman and unwanted interference in our Hindu Religion which is proved beyond any doubt is separate and older than Brahmin Religion.
Nativist D.D.Raut, President, Native People's Party

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