Most of the time Anna says what he has said earlier the same non sense things. Most of the arguments are no argument but exhibition of madness and ignorance. He says Gram Sabha is supreme makes many laugh. He says vote of rejection be include. He has lost all his thinking power. Election it self means election not rejection. His only purpose is to create anarchy in the country instigated by RSS. His visit to Aalandi at the samadhi of Gaynba a bogus magician like Satya Saibaba who said to have done running of wall, baked Roti on his back, made to recite Vedas to buffalo shows Anna's caliber and thinking power. It is confirmed he want as a faithful agent of Brahmins to continue Vedas, Manu Smruti and Gita which propagate Varnas, Caste, untouchability and slavery of general non Brahmin people although he himself is Maratha but confirms he is Manuwadi. He is working totally for Brahminical hegemony and destroy the freedom of common man in the name of corruption fight to bring the Manuwadi forces to power.
Nv. D.D.Raut, President, Native People's Party
Our Message to Nation : Janeu Chodo Bharat Jodo.
Anna is the tool in the Hands of Manuwadis.
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