Friday, December 30, 2011


The Lok Pal bill failed in R.S. as the same was not required. The show was made by both government and opposition just to pass time as both the parties are aware that no such bill is required to wipe out corruption from country. Existing rules are sufficient to do away corruption but the people in government at cenrte and states are not against corruption. Even the general people are not corruption free and want benefits by corrupt ways.
This is because of the Brhminical system of social thinking and social living. Not a single Brahminical scripture is free from corruption , let it be Vedas, Manu Smriti, Gita etc. If we really want corruption free India , it will be necessary to ban all such books. The question is who will that? Only total revolution can do that as was advocated by J.P. He stated that first it should be started from leaving Janeu.

Nativist D.D.Raut, President, Native People's party

Our Message to Nation : Janeu Chodo Bharat Jodo

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