Wednesday, January 4, 2012



Brahmins are foreigners and refugees in our country. They have cunningly spoiled our happy social, religious, cultural  ,economical and political spare mounting their inhuman ideology in our Hindu Religion and Native society. For last two  to three thousand years many social and religious reformists have tried their level best to cleanse the badly spoiled land of India . But Brahmin Religion people have clinched to our body system and given impression  that they are part and parcel of us and that they can not be separated. Sadly Brahmin Religion people have entered in Buddhist, Janis, Sikh Religions. The other religions in India like Christian, Muslim are also not spared by these people entering in those religions Varna, caste, untouchability etc .
Under such circumstances it has become necessary to think by all religions native people as to why they should not get rid of this inhuman Brahminical inroads in our systems.

Some people are thinking that conversion of sufferer class of society will solve this problem. They are true to some extent. But proved wrong as even after conversion of these section are being treated by Brahminical system wrongly attached to majority Hindu section  and look at them as below human society due to influence of Brahmin Religion on Hindu Religion.

This will go on un-ended unless the Majority Hindu Religion society is not freed from Brahmin Religion and given them a true identification san conversion. This can be done if Hindu Religion is told to them in revealed version as that is found in Holy Bijak.

This separation of Hindu Religion from Brahmin Religion will not only save native Hindus Religion brothers and sisters  from  Brahmin Religion atrocities and inhuman treatment  but will also save other religions from Brahmin Religion deadly contagious Varna system inroads and lot of other inhuman practices. There fore we appeal to all religion people in India to kill Brahmin Religion  a deadly infectious and contiguous disease before it enters in your religion and your life and kill you and your religion peace and happiness.

Nativist D.D.Raut, President, Native People’s Party

Our Message to nation : Janeu Chodo Bharat Jodo

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