Sunday, January 8, 2012


On 21stMay 2001, the Times of India published a news that the Brahmins, are not Indians; they are foreigners (Aryan Eurasians). Michael
Bamshad who is the Head of Department of Bio-Technology at Utah University (Salt Lake
City, USA) conducted this research based on DNA (Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid). Michael
Bamshad conducted this research with the help of Bio-Technologists from Anthropological
Survey of India, Madras University and Andhra University, Vishakhapatnam. This research
is free from any bias as it was done in collaboration with Indians. It is a result of the Indo-
US collaborative research project on the genetic evidence on the origins of Indian caste

This research absolutely establishes the fact that the people belonging to
the Brahmin Varna are foreigners. As this research is based on DNA, it is beyond dispute.
Brahmins could not oppose it so they had to approve of it. Some Brahmins like Jay Dixit
have even started to find their roots in foreign lands on the basis of this research.
This research proves that the DNA of Brahmins in India is 99.99% (genetically)
similar to people living near the Black Sea, a Eurasian region close to Russia. The
documented history of India needs to be rewritten on the basis of this scientific research.
Without rewriting Indian History on the basis of this scientific proof it cannot be accepted.
We have therefore decided to rewrite Indian history.

It is now necessary for government to first decide and declare that Brahmins are not Indian.

Nativist D.D.Raut, President, Native People's Party

Our Message to Nation : Janeu Chodo Bharat Jodo

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