Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Videshi Brahmins follow Brahmin Religion and they have divided Brahmins in four groups. They are Pujari  Brahmins, Lathidhari  Brahmins, Corrupt Business Brahmins and Shudra Brahmins who are in politics.

All Brahmins call themselves Aryans including  Shudra Brahmins

Dr. Ambedkar categorically said Shudra Brahmins are Aryans in his famous book who are Shudras .Brahmins also accept that some Brahmins are Shudras.

What ever kind of Brahmins all Brahmins are Videshi refugees in India.

Brahmins are Brahmins and also Shudra Brahmins

Native People who follow Hindu Religion are Native  Hindus and other religion people but not Brahmin Religion people

To liberate Native land and Country from Videshi Brahmins  is the paramount duty of each Native person.

Nv. D.D.Raut, President, Native People's Party

Our Message to Nation : Janeu Chodo Bharat Jodo

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